My son and husband were playing basketball and I was far away safe from the bitter cold but thanks to the pretty nifty zoom lens that came with my camera I was able to get some fairly nice shots of them playing. I'm not sure what about this one draws me but I just like it. It's probably the action of it.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Day 30 ~ Volleyball Girl
Day 29 ~ Out comes the Sun
Day 28 ~ Fresh Baked Bread
I took this day off to spend with my hubby and when we returned home in the late afternoon I had a hankering to make bread. This was my first attempt at from scratch yeast rolls and all in all they were pretty good. Next time I'll add some salt to the flour and maybe let them rise just a tad longer.
Day 27 ~ More fog
Day 26 ~ Red Balloon

Odd week at work I guess, as I sat at my desk (my office is on 2nd flr) suddenly a red ballon flew by my window. By the time I could grab the camera it was much farther away but it can still be seen here despite the gloomy weather we've had this week. Ever wonder what happens to balloons when they are released? Where do they go? Where do they end up?
Day 25 ~ All Alone

Today there was a large meeting at my work of local EMS agencies. When I looked out the window of my office I noticed this in the parking lot. We had lots of fun with various senarios of unknownig persons seeing a child left alone & locked in a vehicle, not breathing or what appeared to be choking...EMS people - what can I say? We have an odd sense of humor. (Did you notice he was seat belted?)
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Day 23 ~ Odometer

Here is a teaser for what should have been my picture from Monday when we purchased a new Dodge Grand Caravan! I'm so excited. I know that it will make our long road trips much more enjoyable but unfortunately it has been foggy, rainy, & just plain nasty weather most days since we've gotten it so soon there will be a picture of my new ride, until then here's the odometer as it read today. (we got it with only 13mi this shows 265)
Day 22 ~ Honor Roll
Day 21 ~ Fog
Day 19 ~ Sunset
Day 18 - Just Dance
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Day 17 ~ Da Boys
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Day 16 ~ Round and Round
It really is too bad you can't see how fast he can go around and around in this thing. I can't believe he finally sat still long enough fo rme to get a clear picture. His tongue is always out though. I tried tirelessly today to get a picture of his two bottom teeth but he wasn't having it. Maybe next time.
Happy Birthday Mamu - isn't your greatgrandson the spitting image of mejo? I know you watch over us from heaven but I sure wish I could see you see him. <3
Day 15 ~ Pound Cake
I love The Pioneer Woman and I wanted to make her Apple Dumplings last night but my daughter vetoed that and voted for pound cake. I must admit it was very good. We ate it hot and because of my husbands inquiry as to why the cake had no icing I decided to make a lemon glaze. Did I mention it was goood and that we ate it hot? My husband ate two pieces.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Day 14 ~ S'Mmmmmore
We recently bought a fire pit and one cold weekend bought a bundle of firewood along with the makings for S'Mores but we never did make a fire so tonight I decided we would make S'Mores anyway . . . with a twist. Can you see it? We didn't use plain chocolate we used Reece's peanut butter cups. YUM! :)
Day 13 ~ I see you!
This is my son trying to peek out at me working the grill for dinner. I actually had to switch the camera to manual focus in order to get it to focus on his eyes rather than the window. To the naked eye the reflection of the houses were not as pronounced....or maybe I was only focus (haha) on my son.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Day 12 ~ Working late
Day 11 ~ Icy Morning
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Day 9 ~ End of an Era
I know this may seem like an odd post but this blog will be as much about documenting my year as the photography aspect that I hope my new camera will allow me to explore. I just can't seem to wrap (haha) my head around what happened the other night while cleaning up after dinner. I went to pull some plastic wrap off of this gigantic roll and the last 8in or so came off. You see, my husband and I acquired this very early in our marriage at Sam's wholesale club and I would have to say it absolutely lasted.....over 17 YEARS! I can't believe that after that long we actually have to put plastic wrap on the grocery list.
Day 8 ~ Resolutions
Last year one of my resolutions was to say "yes" more often, ie: when invited to do things, say yes. I don't get to see family and friends as often as I'd like and often found excuses to decline invitations. Another resolution was to lose weight..but that's another blog. This year I'm joining forces with four girlfriends to try to help each other lose weight and keep it off. On this night I was invited by two of those women to join them and their families for dinner so, I said YES! I also made sure to take a picture of the three of us as it may end up being a "before" picture. Here's to resolutions lasting longer this year than they did in 2009!
Day 7 ~ Where we've been...
Last year I also attempted a picture a day and had stolen the idea from a friend of a friend to snap a shot of my vehicles odometer and so this picture is not only a show of how many miles we've logged in the past year but also the beginning of the upcoming year...although I hope to have a picture of a new vehicle before too long :)
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Day 6 ~ First picture
This is the very first picture I took with my new fancy pants camera!! Today being the 12th day of Christmas our decorations are only starting to come down. Oh how I wish I'd had it for Christmas and New Years but I have a lot to learn and am very excited for some of the photo ops this year as I learn to use my camera.
Day 5 ~ OOOOhhh AAAaaaah
Monday, January 4, 2010
Day 4 ~ SMILE

I will spare you the details and simply say that today, after YEARS of frustration with horrible teeth today I got a new smile and I haven't stopped smiling since. (in this pic, requested by my mom to be taken mobile and sent immediately, I still had numbness in my upper lip and now seeing it here it looks freakishly dispproportionate and like I am a vantriloquist dummy)
Day 3 ~ ROFL

On this night my kids and I tried the new Wii Fitness Plus and apparently my attempt to make a chicken fly - ok, myself dressed as a chicken fly was so lacking in skill that my daughter literally feel off the couch and onto the floor where she continued to laugh uncontrollably. I failed my "mission" and still had time to snap a quick mobile pic before she regained composure.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Day 2 ~ What a face
Day 1 ~ New Years Day
This year started off much like last my Cousin GlennRay's "Pigout". He buys a whole pig and butchers it and cooks it up in various ways, based on the particular part being cooked, and has lots of family and friends in and out throughout the day to enjoy fellowship and food. The picture is of me and Glenn - I love him. Who couldn't love that smiling face?
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